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Employees Who Are Victims of Exxon® Workplace Discrimination Deserve Justice & Compensation
After investigating a Black employee’s complaint that nooses had been found at an ExxonMobil® Refinery Complex, the federal government filed an employment discrimination lawsuit.
The charges allege that the oil major failed to protect workers from harassment after 5 nooses were found at one of its facilities up to December 2020—and, according to the EEOC, Exxon® allegedly "failed to take measures reasonably calculated to end the harassment" which resulted in "a racially hostile work environment."
Employee Milferd McGhee filed a complaint against Exxon® with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) after he reported the discovery of a noose to a supervisor.
The government is seeking damages for Milferd McGhee’s emotional pain and suffering, inconvenience, and humiliation when he filed a complaint against Exxon® with the EEOC after he reported the discovery of a noose to a supervisor.
A company spokesperson for Exxon®—one of the largest multinational oil and gas corporations in the U.S.—said that it disagreed with the federal agency's findings.
The spokesperson said, "We encourage employees to report claims like this, and we thoroughly investigated…the symbols of hate are unacceptable, offensive, and in violation of our corporate policies."

Workers That Have Experienced Discrimination Deserve Justice & Compensation
We Seek Justice for Individuals and Families Who Are Victims of Exxon® Workplace Discrimination
Free Case Review
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Workers Who Suffer Exxon® Workplace Discrimination May Qualify for a Free Case Evaluation
For employees unsatisfied with Exxon’s® response to their legitimate claims of workplace discrimination, we offer a free, private case review in order to seek justice and compensation for losses.

100% Free & Secure Case Evaluations
Workplace Discrimination Info To Prepare Employees
Are there time limits to filing a workplace discrimination claim?
Where the discrimination took place can determine how long you have to file a charge—an experienced workplace discrimination attorney can determine time limits to file a claim.
What are some protected classes/statuses?
Sexual Orientation
What can an employment attorney do?
Assess actual workplace discrimination
Gather critical evidence of discrimination
Present all of your legal options to you
Negotiate compensation with your employer
Present vital evidence to prove your case
Compensation Begins With A Free, Online Case Review
Victims of workplace discrimination at Exxon® deserve to get both compensation and justice in order to help offset the impact of these discriminatory practices.
What to Know About Workplace Discrimination
What do discriminatory practices include?
Making employment decisions based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity) national origin, disability, or genetic information.
Can I complain about discrimination?
You have a right to complain about what you believe is illegal treatment—your employer can’t punish you or treat you differently, even if it turns out the conduct was not illegal.
Can I request changes for my religion or disability?
You have a right to request workplace changes due to religious belief or medical condition—your employer doesn’t have to grant every request, but it should carefully consider whether it would be possible.
Partner With Experienced Workplace Attorneys Who Fight Exxon® on Your Behalf
We stand on the side of Exxon® employees and families forced to suffer workplace discrimination at one of the largest multinational oil and gas corporations in the U.S.
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